Definition of HW security (ISO21434) architectures for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW safety (ISO26262) architectures for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW architectures for reset & boot for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW architectures for low power modes for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Deep know/how about micro-controller HW architectures and development tools
Strong experience in VHDL and Verilog
Deep expertise in application SW development
(Python, QT, C++, C, ASP, VB.NET, DHTML, JavaScript, ASM)
Development of tester dedicated to non-volatile memory
Deep understanding of testing, production and DFT
Development of burn-in systems dedicated to non-volatile memory
Expertise in Non-Volatile memory reliability
MASTER degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico of Milano
Specialization: Optoelectronics
Graduation thesis carried on in ST Microelectronics ( 1994 ).
Topic: Development of the SW and HW characterization environment for NV Flash memory embedded in the ST10F166 16-bit microcontroller
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English (fluent)
German (fluent)
Chinese (very basic)
Website Building Software