Mobirise Website Builder

System Engineer at
ST Microelectronics

Definition of HW security (ISO21434) architectures for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW safety (ISO26262) architectures for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW architectures for reset & boot for microchip dedicated to automotive market
Definition of HW architectures for low power modes for microchip dedicated to automotive market

Technical know-how

HW development

Deep know/how about micro-controller HW architectures and development tools
Strong experience in VHDL and Verilog

SW development

Deep expertise in application SW development
(Python, QT, C++, C, ASP, VB.NET, DHTML, JavaScript, ASM)

Production & Testing

Development of tester dedicated to non-volatile memory
Deep understanding of testing, production and DFT

Quality and reliability

Development of burn-in systems dedicated to non-volatile memory
Expertise in Non-Volatile memory reliability


MASTER degree in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico of Milano
Specialization: Optoelectronics
Graduation thesis carried on in ST Microelectronics ( 1994 ).
Topic: Development of the SW and HW characterization environment for NV Flash memory embedded in the ST10F166 16-bit microcontroller 


Italian (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
German (fluent)
Chinese (very basic)

Website Building Software